Book Review: Tris and Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison


‘A modern retelling of the German fairytale “Tristan and Isolde”, Tris and Izzie is about a young witch named Izzie who is dating Mark King, the captain of the basketball team and thinks her life is going swimmingly well. Until — she makes a love potion for her best friend Brangane and then ends up taking it herself accidentally, and falling in love with Tristan, the new guy at school.’

Well here it is. My first really negative review. I debated quite a while about whether to actually post this or not, because I do feel bad about giving such a low rating, even though I have tried to be fair in my comments. The truth is I seriously considered giving up half way through this.

If I dislike a book that much, a review can easily turn into a rant which isn’t helpful for anyone, or particularly fair to the author, so I’m going to try to exactly explain why I disliked Tris and Izzie. I have to be honest and say the main reason is simply that I found it to be very poorly written. Continue reading